Wild Women of Mother Earth Oracle Cards English or German
60 cards and booklet included
You can get discount if you want to order more decks at once. Maybe you want to gift them to the women in your circle or retreat. Or you may sell them in your shop or holistic practice. Feel free to coontact me.
This oracle card deck will bring you the wisdom, magic and healing of the sacred feminine power. It will support you on your journey to more self love, to (re)discovering the wild woman within you and to living your true nature. It will show you the healing energy that is released when women come together and unite like sisters. Let this deck remind you that you are never alone. Let it awaken your awareness of the creation power you have as a woman. With that power you can give birth to life and to all your dreams and desires.
It will help you remember why you came here to our Earth Mother and will remind you of your connection with our Divine Mother. It is time you stop hiding. It is time to shake loose everything that is blocking you.
It is time to arise, my sister. Come with me on this journey!
Erschaffen von mehr als 60 frauen aus der ganzen welt
60 karten inklusive booklet
Wenn du dieses kartendeck regelmäBig befragst, wirst du die Geschenke von Mutter Erde und der Gottlichen Mutter Erhalten, der Göttin. Ihre Gaben und ihre Weisheit werden dir helfen, immer mehr in Kontakt mit deine Selbst zu kommen, deine Selbstliebe zu heilen und dich mit deiner göttlichen Aufgabe hier auf zu Erden zu verbinden.